Buying a home can be fun!
For the most part, buying a home can be thought of as a fun and pleasurable experience. There are times, however, when it can quickly spiral into a real nightmare. Miss one key step in your search, such as inspection or talking to a mortgage specialist, and you could be regretting your decision to buy, for a very long time.
What about schools? Distance to work? Proximity to shopping and transportation? How about one that is less obvious such as if the basement is finished by a licensed contractor? Structural problems and warranty issues? Privacy and noisy neighbours? All of these and many more potential issues can be easily forgotten or missed when caught up in the emotionality of buying your very own home. But with the right help you can address all these potential issues with a proper plan before they become an issue.
Plan and win!
Sometimes simply considering the type of neighbourhood can be as critical as the type of home you plan to buy. Or proximity to a school that could make a major difference in your child’s life. Or having to take public transit instead of your own vehicle to travel to work or shopping. Spend a few extra minutes and plan using this handy guide to help you address some potential concerns that you may encounter in your home shopping experience. Plan today, so that you don’t have to plan to move again!