What type of Real estate Agent are you most likely to encounter in the real estate market if you are looking for a real estate agent in Toronto? MUST READ!!! I have come to encounter more than just these types but this is a good starting point.
Best Real Estate Agent – By Type

If you are out there, shopping for real estate in Toronto or surrounding areas, this is the most common Real Estate Agent Type In Toronto by far, but definitely not the best real estate agent type you should go for to assist you. This type of a real estate agent will be very intense when talking to you, not giving you a chance to say much, and will generally tell you that they are late to be somewhere else. This type of an agent will also give you a gut feeling that they are not listening to anything you have to say when ever you try to communicate with them. When ever you are talking with this type of real estate agent, they will appear as if they are having an internal battle inside their brain for having to listen to you talk. You will feel that if you say one more word, this real estate agent will overheat and explode like a bad radiator. They are fidgety, fast talking, never quite hearing the end of any of your sentences, mostly looking around and at their phone, busy answering phone calls repeatedly while you are trying to convey most important details about your home or your situation. They cut you off most of the time, when you want a confirmation from them that they got your point, and will generally repeat continuously, while looking at their phone or watch, “Don’t worry, don’t worry”. This real estate agent preys mostly on first time buyers and sellers and nice people who are simply too scared to tell this type of an agent to ‘take a ride’ or don’t know any better. This is the type of an agent that most often will give us Realtors a bad reputation as their results and demeanour will be horrendous. Beware this real estate agent type!!!
The Outcome…
This type of an agent is known to fail to deliver on all aspects of the representation. You will most likely not get anywhere even remotely near the price you asked for. The moment you sign the ‘representation papers’, this individual will disappear and will be nearly impossible to find again. From time to time, they will appear briefly to say that they are “on it…” just as you are about to call their brokerage to complain. They will come to you every two weeks like a Swiss clock asking you to reduce your price further. They will be busy talking obnoxiously and loudly and will sometimes use profanities to verbalize their thoughts. They will bring their mother/father/friends/spouses to your open houses/showings (if they actually decide to do an open house for your property) to keep them company and to make it look like there are visitors because they failed to advertise your open house. They will generally be abrasive and rude to your visitors/potential buyers (YES, THIS TRULLY HAPPENS!!!).

This type of an agent will be usually a very nice person but with complete lack of skill or experience. They will answer all your questions but will end all the answers with a strange elongated sound. It will appear as if they are asking you if their answer is right. When asked a question, they will not know the answer and they will tell you that they have to make a quick call and likely call their mom or neighbour to ask of the answer or will just walk away never to be seen again. They will have a permanent stare and a perplexed look on their faces. From time to time they will look at you straight in the eyes with an expression as if they just passed some gas and will sometimes flop their arms and make sounds like a chicken.
The Outcome
Although generally a pleasant person, this agent is a nightmare to hire on, as nothing will ever get done and due to their pleasant demeanour, you will find it difficult to voice your opinion about their shortcomings and will just be glad to get rid of them. They are usually a friend or a referral from your grandmother. They will mostly forget EVERYTHING you ever discuss or they commit to achieving. They will outright lie and make excuses for all of their failures. Open houses will not be booked, paperwork will be missed and incorrectly filled out, listing will be posted late or without vital information, they will not show up at showings and someone will always just have died in their infinitely large family just as they were supposed to do something for you. In general, if they miraculously buy or sell a property for you, they will under perform greatly, and you will have lost half of your sanity and budget from frustration and unnecessary complications this agent has caused you. Sometimes they may even cry in front of you and sob like a chicken.

This is a type of an agent to watch out for. Sly and well spoken. Nicely dressed. Has all the right answers. Confident. HOWEVER, you will always have this teeny tiny feeling in the back of your mind that something is not quite normal (maybe the tone of voice, maybe some quirky things they say, maybe how they overstate what they say, or some other subtlety). It all ends at the moment you sign the ‘papers’. Shortly after, they will hit you up for more commission, ask for price reduction, ask for the shirt of your back, all the while you will happily nod and agree to it all.
The outcome
This generally outgoing and confident Real Estate Agent will often be the one that will make it look like they are doing everything in the world short of selling their children to sell your home, but will in fact be doing nothing at all. A week after you sign with them , they will ask you for more commission since somehow your otherwise stunning home is now sub par and they need to spend more money advertising etc. When your financial ‘deadline’ arrives, they will often offer you, with tears in their eyes, a rescue you, by buying your home for 50% of the asking price and will somehow have the cash and the agreement ready in their pocket, all for nothing else but to help you.
This is a very dangerous type of a real estate agent. As the name suggests, they will generally act like one, think like one, have the intelligence of one and in the end make you into one as well. This is a real estate agent that has failed each real estate agent exam at least 5-6 times. They finally passed by buying tests online and hoping for a flip of a coin in the multiple answer type exam. This agent does not know anything about real estate and can not even write an offer properly. They have NO CLUE how to operate in real estate and they show absolutely no shame or remorse about it.
The outcome
Their clauses in Schedule ‘A’ will supercede and negate the required clauses in the reprinted section of the agreement to your detriment. They will offer the other side to get more money from you and will tell them just how much money you are willing to trade. They will send all offers home, except the worst one in a bidding war. They will make you overpay and push you to overpay, so that they can go home and not have to do any more showings with you. You will be convinced by them that mould is good for your children’s health and that asbestos is a miracle material good for your lungs.

Your most loyal friend. True and loving. Happy and down to earth. Does not make promises EXCEPT that he/she will look after you as family. Will come prepared with a house value assessment or comparable list. Will guide you to a decision but allow you to say ‘No’ and will respect and follow your instructions happily. Has done many, many deals successfully, been around a block in more than just one field, understands your needs beyond real estate, wise and skilled, liked and respected, many positive reviews online or testimonials and references for you to call.
The outcome
Will ask about your plans and goals and will not hesitate to suggest to you not to list or buy if he sees you are making a judgement error detrimental to your future even when at agents own cost. Will sacrifice self and own wallet for you and your needs. Will reduce commission if they feel you are struggling to make ends meet or to get you in a dream-come-true property. Will have ability to direct you to a choice of professionals to assist you within and beyond your real estate needs. Volunteers in a community and selflessly helps needy, elderly, and helpless. Will get the BEST results for you based not just on monetary results, instead in combination of all criteria necessary to meet your goals. Will not fail you and always will be there when you call or need to meet. Will have the answers you seek or will get them promptly and to your satisfaction. Will deliver on promises and will exceed your expectation.
Most Importantly, Will Remain Your Friend.
If in real estate doubt, call me to discuss!
Marijan Koturic, direct line :647-892-5007