City Of Brampton Review
City of Brampton is Located west of Toronto, to the city of Brampton, is one of the GTA’s most highly in demand cities. Home to over 500,000 residents, the city of Brampton has become known for wonderful location, great shopping, beautiful family homes, and great opportunities.
Being home to so many people, it is no wonder that some have gone on to become well known, and famous within their fields. Some residents of note are comedian Russell Peters, and actor Michael Cera.
Brampton Real Estate
Largely developed in the 1980’s, the city of Brampton has expanded rapidly over the years, with subdivisions, and neighbourhood developing and expanding rapid rates. Real estate wise, the city is made up of a wide variety of condominiums, townhomes, and beautiful family homes. Many of these homes line quiet tree lined streets and are located close to schools, parks, and shopping.
Real estate in the city varies in price a great deal, depending on where it is that you are looking, and what you are looking for. Smaller townhomes and condominiums (2 bedrooms for example) can be purchased for mid to high $200’s; However, these prices increase greatly as you get closer to Heart Lake Conservation Area, and looking at larger lots.
I tend to divide Brampton in 4 areas when I refer to real estate in Brampton. I simply divide Brampton down the middle with Hwy 410 North to South and Williams Parkway East to West.
Most expensive homes are nested east of Hwy410 and north of Williams Parkway, especially in the far east, in the Castlemore neighbourhood. Thos homes start in mid $600’s and can go well over a million. These homes are generally newer and built in last 10-15 years with modern layouts and finishings.
West of 410 and north of Williams Parkway is what I like to call the “Value Brampton”, with GO train, Buses, Shopping and newer homes built within last 5-15 years. Most of these homes are in the $400-$600K range and area a real steal in the current real estate market.
South west and south east Brampton are predominantly older homes and can be good value as starter homes, or investment rental homes, but also provide proximity to schools, transportation and shopping. Those can be bought from $400k and up.
Brampton Advantages
Perhaps one of the biggest things that draw home buyers to the city of Brampton is the wonderful proximity of the city to the other major cities within the Greater Toronto Area. Only 20 minutes away from Mississauga, and 35 from Toronto, many of the residents of Brampton take advantage of the wonderful location to commute to either work or school.
Over the past few decades, Brampton and the GTA have become a hub of well-respected, and highly sought after post-secondary institutions. In addition to all that Brampton has to offer, there are over 20 accredited Universities, Colleges, and Trade Schools within an hour of the city. Some of these schools include Sheridan College in Brampton, Humber College in Etobicoke, The University of Toronto Mississauga and Toronto Campuses, Seneca College, and McMaster University in the city of Hamilton.
Like many cities, the city of Brampton holds unique events and festivals throughout the year. One of the most well known, and enjoyed is called Doors Open Brampton, where visitors are invited to explore and discover new things about some of the oldest homes and buildings in the city. This event happens every fall. Another popular event within the city is the Arts Walk of Fame, which takes place each September. This event pays respect and recognizes residents of Brampton that have achieved great things within the arts and entertainment industry. And finally, perhaps one of the most beloved annual events thrown by the city of Brampton, is CeleBRAMPTON. an event held every June, to celebrate the beginning of summer, and see all of the wonderful things that the city has to offer the entire family.
Sitting as the 9th largest city in Canada, the city of Brampton truly is vibrant, and multicultural area. The city respects, and welcomes new cultures, and embraces all that they bring to the community.